Minggu, 08 Juli 2018

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Tamarindo, Costa Rica Daily Photo: Bamboo ceiling
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The term "bamboo ceiling " was created in 2005 by Jane Hyun at Solving the Bamboo Ceiling: Career Strategy for Asians where she discusses the obstacles faced by many Asian Americans in the arena profession such as stereotypes and racism while also providing solutions to overcome these obstacles. The bamboo ceiling, as defined by Jane Hyun, is a combination of individual, cultural, and organizational factors that impede the progress of Asian-American careers within the organization. Since Hyun's publication, various sectors (including nonprofits, universities, and government) have discussed the impact of ceilings related to people of Asian descent and the challenges they face. As a senior author in Fortune magazine points out, the "bamboo ceiling" refers to processes and barriers that serve to exclude Asians and Asians from executive positions on the basis of subjective factors such as "lack of leadership potential" and "lack of communication skills" that can not really be explained by job performance or qualifications. Articles about the subject have been written in Crains , Fortune , The Atlantic and Forbes (2016).

This term is a derivative of the glass ceiling, which refers to a more general metaphor used to describe the invisible barriers in which women and minorities can perceive managerial positions, but can not reach them.

Based on publicly available government statistics, Asian Americans have the lowest chance of rising to management when compared with African Americans, Hispanics and women despite having the highest level of education.

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Di Amerika Serikat

Underrepresentation orang Amerika Asia

The 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the ground of race. However, hidden forms of racism remain in the workforce. The Census Bureau reports that Asia America has the highest education level of any racial category in the United States. Of Asia Americans, 52.4% are college graduates, while the national average is 29.9%.

  • According to the US Census Bureau, in 2010, the Asian American population accounted for about 5.6% of the total population in the US, but only 0.3% of the company's office population.
  • Even in areas where Asian Americans are represented disproportionately, like the Silicon Valley software industry, they comprise a small percentage of disproportionate management positions and top councils. Statistics show that while 33% of all software engineers in the Silicon Valley are Asian descent, they constitute only 6% of board members and 10% of corporate officers from the Bay Area's 25 largest companies.
  • According to a study of 25 of the largest Bay Area companies, 12 do not have Asian board members, and five do not have Asian company officials.
  • According to the 2010 US Census, Asian Americans make up 5.6% of the American population, by 2014, 3% of district court judges are Asian Americans. Between 2009 and 2010, President Obama has nominated eight Asian-Americans to seats in the US District Court, four women and four men. Six of the nominees have been confirmed by the Senate except for the nominations of two men Edward Chen and Goodwin Liu; while all women confirmed.
  • In 2015, Ascend, an Asian-American professional organization from New York, conducted research on Asian-American workforce at several technology companies in Silicon Valley. They found that although there were representatives at lower levels, 27% of the professionals were Asian-Americans, there was less representation in many executive positions: less than 19% of managers and less than 14% of executives were of Asian descent.
  • In 2009, a study by the Australian National University showed significant racism when recruiting. The study found that an applicant named China would need to include 68 percent more applications than a Western applicant to get the same number of calls back. An applicant named the Middle East needs 64 percent more. [143]
  • Asian-American women are particularly under-represented. Of all the Asian-American women working in technology, only 1 in 285 are executives.

The bamboo ceiling in the United States is a subtle and complex form of discrimination, and the umbrella term "Asian America" ​​extends to include diverse groups, including South Asia, East Asia, and Southeast Asia. These groups are often subject to the stereotype of "minority models", and are seen as silent, hardworking, family-oriented, high achievers in mathematics and science, passive, non-confrontational, obedient, and antisocial. In the workforce, some of these perceptions may seem positive in the short term, but in the long run they hamper progress in corporate and academic ladders.

While Asian Americans are often seen as "model minority" races, many feel that they are an invisible or "forgotten" minority, although it is one of the fastest growing groups in the country. Because they are generally considered ineligible for many minority rights of under-represented races, and Asian Americans have been shown to be less likely to report incidents of racial discrimination in the workplace, although there are far fewer roads and institutional programs for them to combat this. labels and perceptions.

Causes and effects

Some analysts attribute racial differences in administrative capacity to the negative extensions of the Asian-American stereotypes mentioned earlier, such as the general assumption that they are "lacking in leadership skills" or that they have "poor communication skills". Asian Americans are sometimes also expected to have higher qualifications than their white counterparts, such as graduating from more prestigious universities, to achieve the same position in American companies.

Much of this stereotype and hope has its basis in cultural misunderstanding. Some Asian Americans claim that they are brought up with certain cultural values ​​that affect the perception of their workplace behavior. For example, some reports are taught from an early age to be self-effacing, reserved, respectful, and submissive to authority. These values ​​are not well translated into American workplace, where Asian Americans are sometimes regarded as aloof, arrogant, and inattentive. As a result, Asian-Americans tend not to be seen as having attractive qualities for American employers, such as leadership, charisma, creativity, and risk-taking, and are often overlooked for promotion despite satisfactory job performance. Asian Americans also tend to be less aggressive in networking, promoting themselves, and talking at work meetings with concerns and ideas when compared to their co-workers.

Others show that physical characteristics are a factor. Research has shown that higher individuals tend to be promoted and earn more money than shorter individuals, and the Asian American high average is shorter than the national average. Some also report that Asian facial characteristics are unconsciously considered to be less expressive, less involved, uninterested, and unreliable. These factors, combined with common stereotypes and portrayal of Asian Americans as "nerds" and "nerds," with high intelligence and high mathematical and scientific abilities, create the image of Asian males especially as "[s] hort, not handsome, socially incompetent, sexually non-existent ". In addition, even Asian Americans born and/or raised in the United States are sometimes considered less proficient in English on the basis of their performances as "perennial strangers".

Another factor may be the lack of existing connections and Asian-American role models in top management and in politics. Until relatively recently with the Civil Rights Movement, large numbers of Asian descendants had little political and social rights, or were denied citizenship rights by naturalization. While many Asian Americans are active in political life and current government positions, their representatives are still very small, and there are still unofficial barriers to political access.

A survey conducted revealed that while 83% of Asian Americans feel loyal to their work, but only 49% feel as if they belong to the American workforce. According to researchers who study diversity and talent management say that 25% or 1 in 4 Asian people say "they have felt discrimination at work because of their ethnicity." Asian-American men, more than any other demographic, say they feel stuck in their careers and are more likely to quit their current jobs to seek progress elsewhere and are revealed in another survey conducted by researchers that 66% of Asian-American men and between 44-50% of Asian-American women say that they feel their career stalled shows that Asians not only face widespread discrimination in the workplace in general, but that Asian-American men are discriminated against by large differences that reveal large gender differences.

Asian-American women face additional obstacles as a result of Asian Americans and women. The idea of ​​being in various minority groups is called intersektionality. Compared with Asian-American men, the articles reveal that it is estimated that the average Asian-American woman earns 27-40% less than Asian-American men in terms of payment, if the latter proves to be true gender gap in terms of payments between men Asia and women are the highest of any racial group. There are many negative stereotypes associated with Asian-American women who can contribute to this salary difference. These stereotypes are the perception of Asian-American women as outsiders, ultra-feminine lotus flowers, dragon women, and model minorities. Also, stereotypes about their relationship with men play a role in their discrimination. Historically, Asian-American women were too sexual and considered to be devoted and obedient. This stereotype leads to discrimination and sexual harassment of Asian-American women in the workplace.

Sticky floor

Another commonly cited barrier, complementing the bamboo ceiling, is the "sticky floor". When applied to the Asian-American experience, the sticky floor refers to a phenomenon where young Asian professionals often get caught up in low-level, low-mobility jobs. Asian Americans graduate from universities in large numbers, and companies tend to hire them in bulk as well. However, in a few years, many claim to find themselves being stamped into a dead end career without a way to advance into a top-level corporate career. The process is visible in a number of areas, including business, academia, and law. Even in areas where Asian-Americans are trusted to excel, like software engineering, there is an overall tendency to see them assigned to low-ranking positions with fewer opportunities to advance than other racial groups.


The bamboo ceiling is a problem many Asian Americans face in the workplace. It is a mix of individual, cultural, and organizational factors that impede the growth and success of these people in office settings, especially managerial roles. Stereotypes about the personality characteristics and cultural values ​​of Asian Americans can put them at a disadvantage in the workplace.

The psychological experiments were conducted by two researchers on the bamboo ceiling and their findings revealed that East Asians who do not fit the racial stereotype of Asians and have qualities such as firmness, dominance, and leadership skills tend to be less popular in the workplace with one researcher even stating that "In general, people do not want co-workers to be dominant, but they really do not want to work with dominant East Asian co-workers."

Wesley Yang tries to determine what forces have held America back Asia and do so by communicating that Asian Americans are having trouble with the network and highlighting their own accomplishments as well as challenging authorities. He adds that Asian Americans tend to be culturally trained to be less flamboyant in the skills mentioned above... therefore slightly limiting their ability to rise above the field in certain professions. To be successful in a managerial role or in a corporate position, it is important for an individual to know how to promote themselves to advance, but as Yang and Hyun explain, there is a cultural nuance that hinders upward mobility for Asian Americans.

Contrary to popular belief, Asian Americans openly ask for professional rewards that they feel are appropriate, but despite their extraordinary desire to rise higher on the corporate ladder and the American workforce in general, Asians reach an obstacle that prevents them from doing so..

Break the bamboo ceiling

The bamboo ceiling is a socially recognized phenomenon, and a number of different methods have been proposed to help address this problem. Some people suggest that Asian Americans make a stronger effort to overcome negative stereotypes through "self-awareness". It involves getting out of someone's way to network and interacting with others, making yourself look proud and respectful of one's work, leading a leadership role, suggesting new ideas at work, taking every opportunity available, and engaging in politics of the workplace. People also suggest that finding a mentor can be useful. Mentors are sources commonly used by other minority groups, such as Hispanics and African Americans, to advise and be people to talk about issues facing their communities. Groups like Asia Pacific America in Higher Education and Leadership Education for Asia Pacific, Inc. provide resources for guidance. For example, Linda Akutagawa, founder of Leadership Education for Asia Pacific, Inc., explains how her company provides leadership training for Asian employees, in addition to their guidance services.

However, some argue that it should not be the responsibility of Asian Americans to bridge the gap between differences in their culture and standard workplace environments. So there is an ongoing debate between those who believe that personal adaptation is the best solution and they have things that the business can do to fix this problem. Some companies have leadership programs designed for Asian Americans to develop skills and help translate cross-cultural values. Among these inclusive companies is Cisco, which recently created an Advanced Leadership Program for Asian-American Executives at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. The program charges $ 11,000 for a five-day session. Instead of training Asian Americans to "be whiter," some argue that otherwise, Asian Americans can learn to improve their culture and value rather than hide it.

Maps Bamboo ceiling

Other forms of lack of Asian American representation in American society

Lack of media presentation

By 2014, despite reaching 5.6% of the US population, Asian Americans accounted for 5.3% of the people and characters featured in the film.

Even when the media represent the US territory with a large Asian-American population, Asian Americans are rarely represented.

In 2015, ABC Sitcom Fresh off the Boat aired on television. This is the first time in 20 years an event featuring most Asians on national TV; the last one was the All-American Girl in 1994, which was canceled after one season.

A major problem in the media industry is the concept of "white washing" in which white actors and actresses play a role in the role of colored people. In 2015, Emma Stone plays Allison Ng in the romantic comedy Aloha . Allison was supposed to be a quarter of Hawaii and a quarter Chinese, but his appearance in the film did not reflect his ancestral heritage. This casting choice led to protests in the community; the film received negative reviews and disappointing box office performance, which may be partly due to a response to casting options.

Matt Damon served as an ancient Chinese soldier in the action film The Great Wall. Actress Constance Wu from Fresh off the Boat chimed in, stating that Hollywood will find a way to make white actors no matter what - even in a movie set in China 1,000 years ago.

Gym is less airing

In the United States, Asians, especially people of East Asian descent, are stereotyped as being physically and athletically inferior to other races. This has led to much discrimination in the process of professional American sports recruitment in which Asian-American athletes are now poorly represented. By 2015, despite reaching 5.6% of the nation's population, Asian American athletes represent only 1.1% of the NFL and 1.2% of MLB, and in 2014 0.2% of the NBA.

Basketball is a sport noted for the low number of Asian athletes, despite the fact that the sport's color barrier was broken by an American athlete named Wataru Misaka in 1947. Misaka was the first to play in the NBA. Native Utah played for the New York Knicks.

In American sports, there is and has become a higher representation of Asian-American athletes who have racial inheritance compared to full racial heritage. For example, former Roman soccer player Roman Gabriel was the first Asian-American to start as a NFL quarterback and only half of Southeast Asian (Filipino) descendants.

In particular, the majority of Asian American athletes currently recruited or designed to compete professionally tend to be in sports that require little or no physical contact.

Political openness

By 2016, 2.6% of Congressmen are Asian Americans. However, Asian Americans represent 5.6% of the total population in the United States. To match the size of the population, there must be 30 Asian-Americans in Congress of a total of 535 people.

Less representative in education

Aside from the lack of corporate representation, there is also bias towards students applying to college; there appears to be racial quota established in some schools that restrict the enrollment of Asian-American applicants. This bias described by Professor of Public Policy at the University of California Riverside, Karthick Ramakrishan, has a single and determined idea of ​​what an Asian student should look like. This idea expects certain Asian species to be called a "minority model". This concept can be explained as a driving force in the acceptance process that harms Asian Americans with a certain expectation for these students because they are believed to be a "model minority". According to the minority model, if an Asian student does not fit the stereotypical print, they are deemed useless for the college. The Asian-American Organization requested the Department of Education in 2016 to investigate Brown University, Dartmouth College and Yale University, accusing them of discriminating Asian-American students during the admissions process. In other parts of the field of education, Asian Americans are underrepresented in university admissions and university leadership positions. In addition to this existing bias, there is also the marginalization of Asian-American academics in positions of power with only 1% of those reaching the status of university and rector presidents though 7% of faculty are comprised of people of Asian descent. In a study conducted by Bryan SK Kim, Donald R. Atkinson, and Peggy H. Yang, this disproportionate amount was attributed to the values ​​commonly seen in Asian households inherited from parents to children even when living in the United States. These values ​​include "respect for authority figures, respect for parents, self-effacement, [and] restraint." (Khator, Renu) These practices are generally associated with people from Asian heritage allowing for a strong bias to grow against Asian Americans in higher university positions as administrators begin to believe that they are either "not interested in leadership opportunities or not will be good at it "because the characteristics associated with Asian Americans do not follow the typical Western leadership ideals (Oguntoyinbo 10). Many Asian Americans such as Frank Wu, chancellor and dean of the University of California Hastings Law of Law, are frustrated by this stereotype because of some contradictory facts such as "Asian Americans [occupying at colleges as students, graduate students and faculty members" and still rarely represented (or sometimes even considered) for a top-tier academic position.

Armstrong Bamboo Ceiling Tiles • Ceiling Tiles
src: sadwaters.us

Movement criticism for breaking the bamboo ceiling


One point of criticism on the movement to break the bamboo ceiling is the lack of intersectionality in the issues discussed. The intersectionality point is handled by some Asian American academics such as Peggy Li. In an article by Peggy Li, this topic was discussed as he argued that none of the movements to destroy the glass or bamboo ceiling barrier favored Asian-American women because of this mutual identity. This abandonment of women's identity is seen in issues such as women's sex trade which disrupt Asian communities being pushed aside to focus on issues affecting men such as male-dominated (business or political) leadership and male-dominated roles. Li went on to attribute this lack of intentionality to the movement's leadership. According to Li, in the struggle to break the bamboo ceiling, men make majority decisions, if not all.

Extremely disproportionate representations in education, medical, technology, and research sciences

Asians are disproportionately represented in high-paying jobs such as education, medicine and technology. While Asians make up only 5.6% of the US population, Asians make up more than 50.1% percent of the Silicon Valley technology industry, which is the majority of tech jobs.

Bamboo Ceiling Stock Photos & Bamboo Ceiling Stock Images - Alamy
src: c8.alamy.com

See also

  • Minority model

Decorative Bamboo Ceiling â€
src: www.neigemorte.com


Source of the article : Wikipedia
